Play293: Sitting Down to Breakfast AloneJanuary 8, 2020Today's poem is Sitting Down to Breakfast Alone by Christian Wiman.
Play290: The Birds of New YorkJanuary 3, 2020Today's poem is The Birds of New York by Francisco X. Alarcón.
Play288: On the Turning of the YearJanuary 1, 2020Today's poem is On the Turning of the Year by Karen An-Hwei Lee.
Play287: Prayer On Aladdin's LampDecember 31, 2019Today's poem is Prayer On Aladdin's Lamp by Marcus Wicker. This episode originally aired Dec. 19, 2018.
Play286: How We Programmed the ApocalypseDecember 30, 2019Today's poem is How We Programmed the Apocalypse by Zoë Hitzig.
Play283: When Giving Is All We HaveDecember 25, 2019Today's poem is When Giving Is All We Have by Alberto Ríos.
Play280: Outside my Harlem WindowDecember 20, 2019Today's poem is Outside my Harlem Window by Lauren Whitehead.
Play279: Excerpt from Nature PoemDecember 19, 2019Today's poem is an excerpt from Nature Poem by Tommy Pico.