Play596: Prayer of the Palo Verde BeetleJanuary 25, 2022Today's poem is Prayer of the Palo Verde Beetle by Felicia Zamora.
Play593: Fragments for Subduing the SilenceJanuary 20, 2022Today's poem is Fragments for Subduing the Silence by Alejandra Pizarnik.
Play590: "Let my anger be the celebration we were never / supposed to have."January 17, 2022Today's poem is "Let my anger be the celebration we were never / supposed to have." by Natasha Oladokun.
Play586: Poem That Leaves Behind The OceanJanuary 11, 2022Today's poem is Poem That Leaves Behind The Ocean by Jim Moore.
Play585: Complex Nonlinear SystemsJanuary 10, 2022Today's poem is Complex Nonlinear Systems by Chelsea Dingman.
Play583: What We Talk About When We Talk About the Pursuit of Gender EuphoriaJanuary 6, 2022Today's poem is What We Talk About When We Talk About the Pursuit of Gender Euphoria by Levi Cain.
Play582: Marrying the WindJanuary 5, 2022Today's poem is Marrying the Wind by Brett Elizabeth Jenkins.
Play581: Red-ish Brown-ishJanuary 4, 2022Today's poem is Red-ish Brown-ish by Trevino L. Brings Plenty.