July 8, 2020
423: poem for palm pressed upon pane
July 8, 2020
423: poem for palm pressed upon pane
poem for palm pressed upon pane
by Marwa Helal
i am in the backseat. my father driving. from mansurah to cairo. delta to desert, heliopolis. a path he has traveled years before i was born. the road has changed but the fields are same same. biblical green. hazy green, when i say: this is the most beautiful tree i have ever seen. and he says, all the trees in masr are the most beautiful. this is how i learn to see. we planted pines. four in a row. for privacy. for property value. that was ohio. before new mexico. before, i would make masr my own. but after my mother tells me to stop asking her what is wrong whenever i see her staring out of the living room window. this is how trauma learns to behave. how i learn to push against the page. i always give hatem the inside seat. so he can sleep. on the bus. his warm cheek against the cold window. when i am old enough to be aware of leaving. it is raining hard. 5000 miles away, there is a palm. in a pot. its leaves pressed. skinny neck bent. a plant seeking light in an animal kingdom.
"Poem for palm pressed upon pane" by Marwa Helal, from INVASIVE SPECIES by Marwa Helal, copyright © 2019 Marwa Helal. Used by permission of Nightboat Books.